The District Minister of Ascension Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Koforidua, Reverend Dr. Kofi Amfo Akonnor, has advised Ghanaians to choose the path of humble life in order not to be humiliated.
He said the country is moving to a situation where the best virtue through humility is being relegated, with self-centeredness and pride of life becoming the order of life.
The Reverend Minister, who was delivering a sermon during the Church’s divine service over the weekend, noted that pride leads to humiliation and disgrace and that “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”.
He emphasized that in the olden days where religious and civic education were taught as subjects in schools, people showed respect, humility and patriotism, as against what pertains today.
This, he said, comes as no surprise as people of today inquire of individuals before showing regard or rendering prompt services to them.
“We do not have to know the personality of people before we deal with them with humility and respect. Everyone speaks against corruption, but all of us are involved in corruption. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. God exalts the humble, but abases the proud,” the man of God added.