A torched family house
The Konkomba Youth Association (KOYA) and the Paramount Chief of the Chereponi Traditional Area in the North East Region have both demanded for justice for residents of Sagong, a community in the Chereponi District, after the community had been raided by some unknown assailants.
A statement signed and issued by Titus Bisunah Jawol and Elvis Poliyeh Nagbija, President and General Secretary respectively of KOYA, and traditional leadership of the affected community accused residents of Gbalu of committing the heinous act.
They said the incident happened last Monday, with the people of Gbalu allegedly carrying out the attack without any provocation.
According to KOYA, since the perpetration of the raid, the personnel of the Ghana Police Service and other security agencies have been stationed at Sagong, in anticipation of any reprisal attacks.
The statement pointed out that the lukewarm attitude of the District Security Committee (DISEC) towards the act of vandalism was reported to the Regional Police Commander of the North East Region, adding that failure to act swiftly to control the situation might result in further tension.
“We are for peace, but we will not sacrifice the demands of justice for a fragile peace,” the statement read.
Appeal for support
“We are also using this medium to appeal to the general public, philanthropists and all who have a heart to support the victims and come to the aid of the people of Sagong…be it food, clothes, shelter or in whatever form the help can come,” the statement appealed.
They recounted how the people of Gbalu had started fleeing their community to Chereponi, in anticipation that there would be reprisal attacks. They assured the police, government and the public that the people of Sagong and Konkombas in general will not attack any community, but trust the security agencies to do a good work in bringing the criminals to book.
“We also want to encourage all those who have information that can lead to the unravelling of these criminals to report to the police for further investigations,” the statement urged.
The Paramount Chief of Chereponi Traditional Area, Nanyame Kofi Malba VIII, also in a statement issued Wednesday, condemned the attack, and called for justice in bringing perpetrators to book.
“We the people of the Chereponi Traditional Area condemn the incident of barbarism and act of mayhem inflicted on the residents of the two communities, resulting in the burning of houses and food barns by the people of Gbalu on Sagong, a brother Konkomba community,” he said.
The leadership of the affected communities also asked the Chereponi District Assembly to arrange help for members of the community who had lost their homes, money and foodstuffs, as a matter of urgency.