The Manchester Chapter of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) convened on Sunday, February 25, 2024, for a momentous meeting that heralded a significant decision in line with the upcoming 2024 elections in the Republic of Ghana.
As announced by the esteemed Chapter Organizer, Dr. Bernard Baah Amoako, and the dedicated Chapter Youth Organizer, Mr. Jeffrey Dasebre, the meeting was marked by a resolute determination to empower the youth and propel them into the political forefront through the organization of the Maiden Youth and TESCON Conference slated for June 2024.
Dr. Baah Amoako, with his profound understanding of the political landscape, elucidated the pivotal role that the forthcoming conference holds in shaping the outcome of the 2024 elections.
Emphasizing the power and potential vested within Ghana’s youth, Dr. Baah Amoako underscored the need for strategic engagement and active involvement of young minds in the political discourse. He touched on how the conference serves as a platform to galvanize youth support for the NPP and cultivate a generation of informed, passionate, and committed leaders who will drive the party’s agenda forward.
Echoing Dr. Amoako’s sentiments, Mr. Dasebre, the Chapter Youth Organizer, emphasized the collective responsibility of all members to rally behind the conference and ensure its resounding success.
Recognizing the indispensable role played by TESCON (The Tertiary Students Confederacy of the NPP) in mobilizing young voters and shaping opinions, Mr. Dasebre urged unwavering support from the entire chapter to guarantee the effective execution of the conference. He highlighted the transformative impact that such an event could have on the political landscape, not only in Manchester but across Ghana as a whole.
The decision to host the Maiden Youth and TESCON Conference reflects the Manchester NPP Chapter’s unwavering commitment to nurturing the potential of the youth and harnessing it to drive positive change. It signifies a proactive approach towards grooming future leaders and ensuring their active participation in the democratic process. As the countdown to the 2024 elections commences, the chapter stands poised to make a lasting impact by empowering the youth and amplifying their voices on the national stage.
In the coming months, the Manchester NPP Chapter will embark on a journey of meticulous planning and preparation to ensure the success of the Maiden Youth and TESCON Conference. Through collaborative efforts, innovative strategies, and unwavering dedication, the chapter aims to create an inclusive and empowering environment where the aspirations of Ghana’s youth are nurtured and realized.
As the Manchester NPP Chapter paves the way for the next generation of leaders, it calls upon all stakeholders, both within and beyond its ranks, to join hands in support of the upcoming conference. Together, let us ignite the flame of youth empowerment, inspire political engagement, and chart a course towards a brighter and more prosperous future for Ghana.
Dr. Bernard Amoako Baah (Organizer)
Mr. Jeffrey Dasebre (Youth Organizer)