Kennedy Agyapong, Assin Central MP

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has called on the youth to demonstrate love and patriotism at all times in order to propel their personal as well as national development.
He said Ghana is a great country with remarkable history to be proud of, for which reason the younger generation must be resolute in their patriotism to the state.
Mr Agyapong observed that the youth represent the backbone of every nation, and, therefore, should be a prioritized asset of the country.
The Assin Central legislator noted that when more attention is given to the youth, they will become responsible leaders who will uphold the image and values of the country.
Speaking as the Special Guest of Honour during the swearing-in ceremony of the UPSA SRC Executives and GRASSAG-UPSA Chapter over the weekend, he admonished the youth to put the country’s interest above other considerations.
“As youth, bring together all passionate, selfless and patriotic Ghanaian citizens and use your combined knowledge, skills, ideas and other resources to support the needed development activities in the various communities with a focus on the country’s development agenda,” he said.
School of success
MP further reminded the students that life is not easy out there, stressing the need for them to be determined irrespective of what the odds may be.
“Today is the beginning of your own success, and if you will be successful, you will pass through this school of life. Knowledge is not the end of life, but your ability to turn the knowledge into making yourself meaningful in society,” he said.
Mr Agyapong said the virtues of perseverance, patience and honesty are the hallmark of success. He advised the youth to take their destinies into their own hands as the government cannot single-handedly provide employment to the growing number of graduates, let alone all the youth in the country.
The MP noted that the youth can succeed in Ghana because the country has enormous opportunities, “and that is why the nationals from other parts of the world come to Ghana and make it”.
Poor governance
Touching on governance, he said it is worrying that while hundreds of millions of Asians are being taken out of poverty because of successful governance, millions of Africans living on the world’s richest continent in terms of natural resources continue to wallow in abject poverty.
He said the poverty on the African continent is the result of poor governance.
“It is time, therefore, for the current generation to rise to meet the challenges of today. You have to help banish the disgraceful spectre of young Africans dying in the Mediterranean, seeking greener pastures in Europe. A look around will reveal that foreigners are making it in Ghana despite complaints that it is very difficult to make it in Ghana,” he said.
MP said it is unacceptable that Ghanaians always “complain about hardships and lack of opportunities, but the Syrians and other foreigners come into this country and make it”.
To reverse the trend, he urged the youth to dream and think big in order to succeed in life. “The tendency to accuse others of witchcraft and superstition when faced with failure is not the way to go. Develop the capacity to work hard,” he stated.
In his view, some people still believe that to be successful one needs to be hardworking and go through the different struggles on the person’s way up.
“It is not because the struggles are good, but because they will teach you vital lessons you need as a successful man or woman. How else will you appreciate a pesewa when you have never really been in need of one Ghana Cedi?,” he quizzed.
Honesty, discipline key
He, however, decried that some youth take delight in dishonesty, hence they are not able to get to their destinations in life.
“If you intend to be celebrated, guard against dishonest and bad behaviours. Channel your resources into building a good reputation for yourself and make people around you happy. In all of these, be proactive and honest in every activity you undertake,” he told the gathering.
“Honesty is the important principle that has taken me far in business, you need to always be honest in your dealings. This is one principle that the foreigners have as a weapon, which we lack in this country. So we need to inculcate that,” he advised.